
Did you know kids love cosplay?  It’s true.

All kids love cosplay because they love designing and creating just as much as any cosplayer!  If you prescribe to teacher-speak, its because cosplay offers authentic, problem-based experiences with low-floor entrances and high-ceiling opportunities.  If you don’t prescribe to teacher-speak, its because cosplay is fun, interesting with just the right amount of challenge.

When I decided I wanted to teach a cosplay class, I searched and searched for examples of what other teachers had already done…but it turned out, there wasn’t anything out there.  I’m not saying I’m the first, I’m just saying that cosplay classes aren’t a common elective.  Which makes me wonder, why not?

So, I decided to jump in, try things, tweak things and try things again.  I’ve landed in a place that I’m okay with – it gets the job done AND students are fighting to take the cosplay elective!  I’m going to share some of my strategies, plans, “assignments” and assessments.  Feel free to adopt, adapt and implement in whatever way makes sense to your school, community, and most importantly, your student population.