Suki: Avatar the Last Airbender

A return to my first cosplay!


I love Avatar: The Last Airbender.  The show was stupendous and I still cherish the characters.  Suki was on of the first cosplays I ever created – back in 2015.  Suki is the cosplay I learned to build armor on, so when I decided to revisit the costume, I opted to use all the tricks of the trade that I’ve acquired these past three years.


The first time I cosplayed Suki, I decided to make my armor out of EVA foam.  It wasn’t the worst idea in the world, but I did learn some important lessons about finishing foam edges and how delicate brocade fabric is.  Here’s a picture of the original 2015 cosplay.


I wasn’t confident about how to attach the entire costume, so I ended up threading yards and yards of leather twine to hold every piece together – it took forever to put on and take off!  For my remake, I opted to use faux leather for the armor.  It has a softer feel, but overall, I’m much happier with the final turnout.


Just like the first time I wore Suki, I didn’t compete in this costume.  Suki is a cosplay I like to do just for fun!  (As cosplay should be.)  And the best part?  I get to run around all day in kick-ass battle makeup!